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Meet Our Personal Fitness Coaches

Our coaches work right alognside You to deliver the best results possible

I love being a guide for people's health and fitness journey. My passion is helping people discover what they are capable of. I have been coaching/training in the health and fitness industry for more than 20 years.

Damon is our speed specialist. with 20+ years of track & field experience and some state championships to match, his speed training programs are proven. Looking for improvement in Athletic performance? Come by for one of our speed classes!

Our leading barbell coach,. Tony is certified as an Olympic lifting coach and has even competed at the Arnold Classic among other regional level weightlifting events.

I've been a coach in a gym setting for over 5 years. This is the most rewarding coaching job I've had. The progress I see daily is next to none. My goal as a coach is to make sure everyone I see on a daily basis moves better than they did yesterday and that they set themselves up for a healthy future.

I've been an athlete my entire life, so when high school ended I knew I needed to find a new hobby. I made my way into a gym in 2012 and later found CrossFit in 2016. I immediately fell in love with the style of training because it encompasses EVERYthing: weightlifting, gymnastics, HIIT, flexibility/mobility, endurance and so much more. I became a coach because there is nothing I love more than helping others reach their goals!

I stepped into my first crossfit gym in 2015 eager for a lifestyle change. Quickly I found out how thrilling it is to push your limits. I fell in love with the barbell and the feeling it left me with after a hard workout. Coaching gives me the same thrill. I love helping people realize how much more they are capable of doing than they believe. I love helping people progress and seeing the look on their faces when they did something they never imagined themselves doing!

I started because I was looking for a way to challenge myself. The gym is not a hobby, it’s a lifestyle. Boombox has taught me functional fitness, Olympic lifting, nutrition and so much more. I coach because I want to show you that anyone can do this. We make different levels for all fitness abilities so that everyone has a positive experience and a good sweat.

In 2016 I started CrossFit for a 6 weeks challenge. After the 6 weeks, I started to see progress and felt this was something I was good at and enjoyed. I slowly grew more confident in myself and in return passed that onto other athletes. I’ve been with Boombox from the beginning. I love the energy that one gets when it finally just clicks for them for that certain skill they’ve been working so hard for. This journey is a process. Be patient. Have fun. Practice until you can’t get it wrong


Penny Gailor


I began doing Crossfit 8 years ago after a friend invited me to do a tough mudder. Although I was an avid runner I knew I needed to be better prepared. I started seeing things on Facebook about crossfit and I became curious as to what it was about. Found me a Groupon, got started and haven’t looked back. I’ve had coaches push me and encourage me to do things I never thought possible. I decided I wanted to be the one pushing and encouraging others. I got my CFL1 certificate and work to inspire people to live healthier, stronger lives.


8501 Als Way, Louisville, KY 40214, USA

Gym Hours

Monday- Friday: 5:30AM- 8:00PM

Monday/ Wednesday Barbell - 6:00PM

Saturday: 9AM,

(10:15 AM Barbell ), and 11:30am,

Sunday: Open Gym

11:00 AM - 1PM

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